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Apostle MagTouch 自动化核酸提取技术

高质量 | 坚固耐久 |极具竞争力的价格| 96通道或24通道


MagTouch 2000自动化设备是可用于来自多种储存转运媒介、多种生物样本类型的自动化核酸提取和纯化系统。MagTouch 2000通过特殊设计的磁棒和磁棒套自动完成吸附、转移、释放艾铂图Apostle的专利纳米磁珠,实现自动化分离纳米磁珠和生物样本,以达到高效率地从生物样本中分离核酸。MagTouch 2000的操作非常简单、快速和自动化。对比我们之前的MagTouch 1000设备,新型的MagTouch 2000更容易使用、更坚固耐久,并且占用的实验室台面面积更小,更经济有效。 


  • 高通量核酸提取分离平台
  • 与 Apostle 系列核酸提取试剂盒配套使用
  • 转盘可搭载8个96通道或24通道深孔板
  • 96通道深孔板:每孔1000 μL 容积
  • 24通道深孔板:每孔10 mL 容积
  • 每次工作流程时间: ~30 – 90 分钟
  • 方便紧凑的尺寸: 550 x 620 x 483 mm


  • 坚固耐久;在高强度临床实验室 7x24 不间断运行超过2年(见真实客户现场照片)
  • 成本低廉,经济有效
  • 占用实验室台面面积更小
  • 高效、高通量核酸提取
  • 用户友好的彩色触屏用户界面,一键启动
  • 工作区透明盖板,可拆卸-方便与移液工作站对接 
  • 内置紫外线消毒
  • 可编程
  • 新颖的磁场布局,更有效回收磁珠
  • 10个不同混匀速度可选
  • 混匀过程中,磁头振动程度自动与液体量匹配
  • 精准的温度控制 室温 -120 °C







  • 环境温度: 10℃ - 35℃
  • 湿度低于 70% 
  • 气压: 500 – 1060 hpa 
  • 电压: AC 100-240 V, 50Hz / 60Hz
  • 工作台
  • 环境通风 
  • 承重要求:50kg




    Apostle MagTouch 技术在国际领先的液体活检和游离核酸研究、临床检测项目中广泛应用,同时,在最近的新冠疫情中,也为公共卫生和社群健康贡献了应有的力量。  


    Apostle MagTouch 技术和 MiniMax 技术在游离核酸(cfDNA)研究中的应用

    The Apostle MagTouch 2000 Nucleic Acids Extraction Automation System can be utilized with the Apostle MiniMax High Efficiency Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit to automate the cfDNA isolation process, and significantly improve the lab flow and efficiency.

    The system has been utilized by our clients to extract cell-free DNA and/or RNAs from various volumes of plasma samples.  The system is also easily programmable to adapt with various laboratory settings and needs.  Some example protocols are listed below.  

    Apostle MiniMax 技术在美国胎儿性别临床检测中的应用

    The SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test

    SneakPeek by Gateway Genomics was founded with the goal to make DNA-based prenatal and pediatric information accessible and affordable for parents everywhere.

    The SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test is designed to specifically focus on fetal sex and return just one answer – male or female. This enables the test to be run on magnitudes smaller volumes of blood than the typical non-invasive prenatal test. When maternal blood samples arrive at SneakPeek Labs, extracted cell-free fetal DNA is run through real-time quantitative PCR to detect with a sensitivity down to a single Y chromosome. If Y chromosomes are found, the result is a boy. If they are absent, the baby is a girl. The test is run in 3 hours with 99.9% accuracy¹.

    The SneakPeek Early Traits DNA Test lets parents find out what their infant or child will look like as an adult, predicted nutrition levels and sleep behavior. The DNA collection process is simple with a rub of the inner cheek using a swab, no blood samples are required for this test making it easy for parents. When the DNA samples arrive at SneakPeek Labs, genotyping method is used to analyze the differences in DNA and determine which traits an individual may have as a result.

    (Note: Apostle is a technological product provider to SneakPeek by Gateway Genomics). 

    ¹In a recent large-scale study, SneakPeek accurately determined fetal sex in 99.9% of 1,029 pregnant women between 7-37 weeks gestational age. In a separate clinical study run in 2021, SneakPeek accurately determined fetal sex in 75 out of 75 pregnant women at 7 weeks into pregnancy. 

    Apostle MiniGenomics 技术和MagTouch技术在美国内华达州废水新冠病毒监测中的应用

    Interview with Lauryn Massic, Association of Public Health Laboratories infectious disease fellow at the Nevada State Public Health Laboratory

    Full interview

    Lauryn Massic, Association of Public Health Laboratories infectious diseases fellow, shares how breakthrough technologies from Ceres Nanosciences and Apostle enables SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance results that are efficient and accurate.

    Please share with us more about your workflow and your metrics for success.

    LM: Our goal in setting up our workflow was to have a turnaround time of less than one day for detection and quantification of the virus in wastewater samples. We wanted to be able to test wastewater from each community facility at least three times per week and to test the campus dorms every day of the week.

    The workflow we follow in the lab starts with the use of Ceres Nanosciences’ Nanotrap Magnetic Virus Particles on the Apostle MagTouch 2000 for virus concentration from the wastewater. This is followed by RNA extraction using ThermoFisher and Apostle Bio reagents on the MagTouch 1000. We are analyzing the RNA using the Promega SARS-CoV -2 Wastewater RT-qPCR kit and are sequencing extracted RNA using Illumina short read sequencing on a MiniSeq.

    How has the Apostle automation accelerated your testing capabilities?

    LM: With Apostle automation, my team and I have been able to develop a method to detect and quantify SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater samples, while also having the ability to sequence viral RNA from the wastewater samples. We can accomplish the detection and quantification portion all in the span of a day, and the hands- free time of the automated process gives us the ability to complete other wastewater-related tasks.

    Apostle MagTouch 技术在新冠病毒临床研究中的应用

    Rapid repeat infection of SARS-CoV-2 by two highly distinct delta-lineage viruses.

    Andrew J. Gorzalski , Christina Boyles, Victoria Sepcic, Subhash Verma, Joel Sevinsky, Kevin Libuit, Stephanie Van Hooser, Mark W. Pandori. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. Volume 104, Issue 1, September 2022, 115747;

    An instance of sequential infection of an individual with, firstly, the Delta variant and secondly a Delta-sub-lineage has been identified. The individual was found positive for the AY.26 lineage 22 days after being found positive for the Delta [B.1.617.2] variant. The viruses associated with the cases showed dramatic genomic difference, including 31 changes that resulted in deletions or amino acid substitutions. Seven of these differences were observed in the Spike protein. The patient in question was between 30 and 35 years old and had no underlying health conditions. Though singular, this case illustrates the possibility that infection with the Delta variant may not itself be fully protective against  a population of SARS-CoV-2 variants that are becoming increasingly diverse.

    Nucleic acid extractions were performed by Apostle MagTouch Nucleic Acid Extraction Automation Systems [Apostle Inc, San Jose, CA]. 

    Apostle MiniGenomics 技术和MagTouch 技术在新冠检测中的应用

    Apostle COVID-19 RNA Extraction System Applied in the Effective Detection of SARS-CoV-2

    Ed. Horner S. Application Note.

    The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic started in late 2019. COVID-19 is the result of severe acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus contraction. COVID-19 is often accompanied by a wide range of symptoms including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The SARS-CoV-2 virus consists of a ~30 kb RNA genome encoding for 15 proteins, including the spike protein that enables the virus to enter host cells. The current gold standard qualitative detection method, qRT-PCR, reverse transcribes the viral RNA into cDNA, which is subsequently amplified and quantitated.

    This application note illustrates the effective detection of SARS-CoV-2 using the Apostle COVID-19 Viral RNA Isolation Automation System and qRT-PCR in clinical lab settings. This system uses efficient MiniGenomics magnetic nanoparticle technology for fast extraction and purification of viral nucleic acids from various types of biological samples collected in transport media. The proficient and consistent systems provide reliable test results to individuals that contribute to COVID-19 pandemic relief.

    To date, our clients have processed more than 20 million swabs in various CAP/CLIA clinical labs in the United States. 

    “Apostle COVID-19 RNA Extraction System is a fast and reliable solution for SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA extraction. We look forward to continuing the collaboration with Apostle and providing high quality COVID-19 tests for our community.” commented by Harry Gao, MD, PhD, DABMG, FACMG, Lab Director and Chief Scientific Officer of Fulgent Genetics.

    Included in: FDA EUA Summary: Fulgent COVID-19 by RT-PCR TEST(FULGENT THERAPEUTICS).  For In vitro Diagnostic Use. Rx Only. For use under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) only. US FDA. April 12, 2021.