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Apostle MiniEnrich 羧基磁珠 (片段筛选和纯化)



Apostle’s MiniEnrich 技术已经在英国皇家化学会会刊  Analyst 发表,并被选为封面文章。

  • High-resolution DNA size enrichment using a magnetic nano-platform and application in non-invasive prenatal testing.  Analyst. July 2020, 145, 5733-5739  (PDF)


Precise DNA sizing can boost sequencing efficiency, reduce cost, improve data quality, and even allow sequencing of low-input samples, while current pervasive DNA sizing approaches are incapable of differentiating DNA fragments under 200 bp with high resolution (<20 bp). In non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), the size distribution of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma (main peak at 143 bp) is significantly different from that of maternal cell-free DNA (main peak at 166 bp). The current pervasive workflow of NIPT and DNA sizing is unable to take advantage of this 20 bp difference, resulting in sample rejection, test inaccuracy, and restricted clinical utility. Here we report a simple, automatable, high-resolution DNA size enrichment workflow, named MiniEnrich, on a magnetic nano-platform to exploit this 20 bp size difference and to enrich fetal DNA fragments from maternal blood. Two types of magnetic nanoparticles were developed, with one able to filter high-molecular-weight DNA with high resolution and the other able to recover the remaining DNA fragments under the size threshold of interest with >95% yield. Using this method, the average fetal fraction was increased from 13% to 20% after the enrichment, as measured by plasma DNA sequencing. This approach provides a new tool for high-resolution DNA size enrichment under 200 bp, which may improve NIPT accuracy by rescuing rejected non-reportable clinical samples, and enable NIPT earlier in pregnancy. It also has the potential to improve non-invasive screening for fetal monogenic disorders, differentiate tumor-related DNA in liquid biopsy and find more applications in autoimmune disease diagnosis.

概述 - Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠和纯化磁珠

  • Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠可从不同长度的核酸混合物中筛选出特定目标长度的片段核酸,可广泛应用于NGS和分子生物学领域。
  • postle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠可从各种酶反应体系中高效纯化获得高质量的DNA产物, 广泛应用于NGS和分子生物学领域的工作流程,包括文库制备、PCR扩增、克隆等。 


  • 新型纳米磁珠结构和具有专利的表面化学修饰
  • 更有针对性地去除非目标片段
  • 更强的磁响应力带来更短的操作时间和更少的磁珠残留
  • 兼容现有的NGS和分子生物学操作流程

Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选辞
Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠
Apostle MiniEnrich 短片段富集试剂盒

Apostle MiniEnrich 羧基磁珠相比市面上其他产品具有更强的磁响应力,从而带来更短的磁珠吸附时间和更少的磁珠残留。

Apostle MiniEnrich 羧基磁珠可在25秒内吸附至磁铁上,而某对标国际品牌需要2分40秒才能完全实现吸附。

Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠



The Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠可从不同长度的核酸混合物中筛选出特定目标长度的片段核酸,可广泛应用于NGS和分子生物学领域。 Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠可用于从已打断的DNA片段、连接上测序接头的文库或经过PCR扩增的文库中选取特定目标长度的片段。 基于Apostle MiniEnrich 特有的磁珠技术,该试剂盒可以自定义筛选长度区间,有针对性地去除非目标片段,同时高效回收目标片段。


Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠专为精确筛选DNA片段长度而设计。 与市面上其他产品相比,Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠产生更少的非目标片段残留, 从而实现更精确的片段筛选,保证在NGS工作流程中实现优异的回收得率与精确度 (图1, 2, and 3).


对含有双链DNA梯度标准品(50-3000bp)的TE溶液进行左侧片段筛选的模拟实验可见: 对比某国际品牌(绿色),Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠(蓝色)在高效回收小于500bp片段的同时, 没有大于500bp片段的残留。这一特性使得用户可以实现更精确的片段筛选,去除非目标片段。

图2: 通过调整样本与磁珠溶液比例从而实现定制的片段筛选范围。

将来自于Hela细胞的基因组DNA进行酶打断后(红色),使用Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠对其进行片段筛选。 通过调整样本与磁珠溶液比例,可实现一系列的片段筛选范围,适用于不同测序平台的需求。


对含有双链DNA梯度标准品(50-3000bp)的TE溶液(蓝色)进行右侧片段筛选的模拟实验可见: Apostle MiniEnrich 片段筛选磁珠可以有效地筛选出大于1000bp的片段,可潜在应用于长读长测序和其他分子生物学应用。

Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠



Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠可从各种酶反应体系中高效纯化获得高质量的DNA产物, 广泛应用于NGS和分子生物学领域的工作流程,包括文库制备、PCR扩增、克隆等。 基于Apostle MiniEnrich 特有的磁珠技术,相比于市面上其他产品, 该试剂盒可以更高效地去除污染物,更好地回收目标片段;该产品还可以搭配 Apostle MagTouch 2000自动化平台进行高通量自动化的核酸纯化。


Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠专为高效去除反应物中的小片段和残留物而设计, 可有效去除PCR引物,引物二聚体,建库过程中的接头,接头二聚体,dNTPs,以及反应过程中的盐和酶等, 同时高效保留目标片段或产物。通过纯化而去除PCR和文库制备过程中的小片段,不仅可以提高后续测序的效率,还能大幅降低测序成本。 (图4, 5, and 6).


对含有双链DNA梯度标准品(20-1000bp)的TE溶液进行纯化的模拟实验可见: 对比某国际品牌(红色), Apostle MiniEnrich  纯化磁珠(蓝色)在高效回收大于150bp片段的同时, 含有更少的小片段残留。这一实验展示了Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠可以用于去除PCR反应中的引物(20-30bp), 引物二聚体 (40-60bp),建库过程中的接头 (50-60bp),接头二聚体 (100-120bp)等,同时有效保留建库或其他分子生物学中的目标产物。

图5: 更高效地去除cfDNA文库制备中的接头二聚体。

将从血浆中提取的cfDNA进行常规文库制备,分别使用Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠(蓝色)和某国际品牌(红色) 对接头连接和PCR扩增后的文库进行纯化。最终文库产物的QC显示,Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠更有效地去除了多余的引物, 接头和它们的二聚体,同时制备的cfDNA文库仍有很高的得率。


将已打断的gDNA进行常规文库制备,使用Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠(红色)对接头连接和PCR扩增后的文库进行纯化。 最终文库产物的QC显示,Apostle MiniEnrich 纯化磁珠有效地去除了多余的引物,接头和它们的二聚体,同时制备的gDNA文库仍有很高的得率。

Apostle MiniEnrich 技术在无创产检NIPT研究中的应用

High-resolution DNA size enrichment using a magnetic nano-platform and application in non-invasive prenatal testing.  

Zhang et al. Analyst.  July 2020, 145, 5733-5739  (PDF)

Precise DNA sizing can boost sequencing efficiency, reduce cost, improve data quality, and even allow sequencing of low-input samples, while current pervasive DNA sizing approaches are incapable of differentiating DNA fragments under 200 bp with high resolution (<20 bp). In non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), the size distribution of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma (main peak at 143 bp) is significantly different from that of maternal cell-free DNA (main peak at 166 bp). The current pervasive workflow of NIPT and DNA sizing is unable to take advantage of this 20 bp difference, resulting in sample rejection, test inaccuracy, and restricted clinical utility. Here we report a simple, automatable, high-resolution DNA size enrichment workflow, named MiniEnrich, on a magnetic nano-platform to exploit this 20 bp size difference and to enrich fetal DNA fragments from maternal blood. Two types of magnetic nanoparticles were developed, with one able to filter high-molecular-weight DNA with high resolution and the other able to recover the remaining DNA fragments under the size threshold of interest with >95% yield. Using this method, the average fetal fraction was increased from 13% to 20% after the enrichment, as measured by plasma DNA sequencing. This approach provides a new tool for high-resolution DNA size enrichment under 200 bp, which may improve NIPT accuracy by rescuing rejected non-reportable clinical samples, and enable NIPT earlier in pregnancy. It also has the potential to improve non-invasive screening for fetal monogenic disorders, differentiate tumor-related DNA in liquid biopsy and find more applications in autoimmune disease diagnosis.

2024年2月,美国MD Anderson癌症中心科学家团队领衔的一项新临床研究发表在Cell子刊 Cancer Cell (影响因子 50.3),建立了临床证据和方法,使用肿瘤cfDNA 甲基化分析可以有效区分小细胞肺癌(SCLC) 亚型,并用于指导SCLC 治疗方案。 在论著的方法学部分,Apostle MiniMax cfDNA 试剂盒被明确列在“关键商业试剂” (Critical commercial assays)表格中,作出自己应用的贡献。Apostle 艾铂图 MiniMax 游离核酸技术不断在国际上得到广泛的应用,迄今,已发表、被引用 Nature 子刊 4篇 ( Nature Medicine X 2, Nature Communications X 2), Science 子刊 1 篇, PNAS 1 篇,各种临床研究60余篇,作者单位来自60余国际领先的医学研究和临床单位。 祝贺此临床研究团队!期待Apostle 艾铂图技术更好地为人类做贡献。