Apostle MiniMax provides superior RNA isolation efficiency for RNA ladders spiked in biological medium. The isolation efficiency over 90% can be achieved, for both small RNAs (17-150 nt) and RNAs up to 1000nt (Exhibit 1).
Apostle MiniMax High Efficiency cfRNA Isolation Kit is suitable for processing plasma collected in various major blood collection tubes (BCTs). Compared to other competitors (a major column-based product), Apostle MiniMax TM High Efficiency cfRNA Isolation Kit provides consistently better performance (1.1-2000 times higher, Exhibit 2).
The conclusion is further confirmed by endogenous mRNA and miRNAs isolation and qPCR measurements. cfRNA was isolated from 200 uL plasma, using Apostle MiniMax High Efficiency cfRNA Isolation Kit, and a major column based competitor. Blood were collected in K3EDTA BCTs or major specialized cfRNA BCTs and processed to obtain cell-free plasma. Beta-globin, miR-21, miR-U6, and miR-15a were measured by qPCR using the isolated cfRNA, where Apostle MiniMaxTM High Efficiency cfRNA Isolation Kit provides 1.1-480 times higher isolation efficiency compared to major competitor (Exhibit 3-5).
In summary, Apostle MiniMax High Efficiency cfRNA Isolation Kit offers superior isolation efficiency of cell-free RNAs between 17 nt to 1000 nt, without phenol or chloroform. It is suitable for processing samples collected in various major blood collection tubes, especially specialized cfRNA BCTs which will prevent RNA degradation during storage.