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Apostle 与海尔医疗(Haier Biomedical) 开启合作

2024年11月19日,Apostle 与海尔医疗(Haier Biomedical, Haier Medical & Laboratory Solutions America LLC) 开启合作。在Apostle团队的精诚协作下,美国斯坦福大学干细胞研究所迎来了第一台Haier Biomedical的生物医学冰箱。这台专业级冰箱的到来,将为斯坦福大学医学研究人员提供一个稳定,安全的环境,以存储珍贵的生物样本和实验材料,确保每一项研究都能在最佳条件下进行;同时也是海尔这一亚洲第一的制冷系统品牌,在Apostle广泛的美国医学客户基础和专业医学实验室服务协助下,其专业级医疗用冰箱能够走出国门,走进美国,首次进入世界知名的美国斯坦福大学的医学实验室。

Apostle和海尔医疗 Haier Biomedical USA 的合作,是对未来的承诺。在项目启动电话会上,Apostle 总裁葛东亮博士和海尔医疗 Haier Biomedical USA 总裁 Peter Pedersen 先生共同表示,我们期待着在不久的将来,看到更多海尔医疗 Haier Biomedical USA 的专业级制冷医学实验室设备走进美国旧金山湾区的知名大学和生物公司,助力更多的科研项目,为全球生物医学研究注入新的基础支持力量,造福人类健康。

Apostle 美国官网上现在可以浏览、订购海尔医疗 Haier Biomedical USA 生物医学专业冰箱和制冷系统。



【Cancer Cell】Tumor- and circulating-free DNA methylation identifies clinically relevant small cell lung cancer subtypes

小细胞肺癌(SCLC)是有多重亚型的恶性肿瘤,但目前临床对亚型进行区分却有很大挑战。此项新临床研究,由美国MD Anderson癌症中心科学家团队领衔,发表在Cell子刊 Cancer Cell(影响因子 50.3),建立了临床证据和方法,使用肿瘤cfDNA 甲基化分析,可以有效区分SCLC 亚型,并用于指导SCLC 治疗方案。  在论著的方法学部分,Apostle MiniMax cfDNA 试剂盒被明确列在“关键商业试剂” (Critical commercial assays)表格中,作出自己应用的贡献。

祝贺此临床研究团队!Apostle 艾铂图 MiniMax 游离核酸技术不断在国际上得到广泛的应用,迄今,已发表、被引用Nature 子刊 4篇,Science 子刊 1 篇,PNAS 1 篇,各种临床研究60余篇,作者单位来自60余国际领先的医学研究和临床单位。 期待Apostle 艾铂图技术更好地为人类做贡献。 



【Nature Communications】Terminal modifications independent cell-free RNA sequencing enables sensitive early cancer detection and classification

细胞外游离RNA(cfRNA)可以提供通过转录子组分析检测疾病的机会,但目前现有的技术却有很多技术不足。 2024年1月新年伊始,Nature 子刊 Nature Communications 发表又一项高影响力国际临床研究,其中应用 Apostle 艾铂图 MiniMax 游离核酸技术。此研究包括165名肺癌患者,30名乳腺癌患者,37名结直肠癌患者,55名胃癌患者,15名肝癌患者,以及133名无肿瘤参与者。此研究表明,应用cfRNA游离核酸技术,可以有效通过转录子组分析检测早期癌症。此项研究凸显了cfRNA 用于肿瘤早期检测应用的重要性。祝贺此临床研究团队!Apostle 艾铂图 MiniMax 游离核酸技术不断在国际上得到广泛的应用,迄今,已发表、被引用Nature 子刊 4篇,Science 子刊 1 篇,PNAS 1 篇,各种临床研究50余篇,作者单位来自60余国际领先的医学研究和临床单位。 期待Apostle 艾铂图技术更好地为人类做贡献。



[Nature Communications] Integrative modeling of tumor genomes and epigenomes for enhanced cancer diagnosis by cell-free DNA

Nature 子刊 Nature Communications 本周发表又一项高影响力国际临床研究,其中应用 Apostle 艾铂图 MiniMax 游离核酸技术。此研究包括2125名癌症患者,9种不同的癌症类型。此研究表明,应用cfDNA游离核酸技术,可以有效、高敏感度地检测早期癌症。Apostle 艾铂图 MiniMax 游离核酸技术不断在国际上得到广泛的应用,迄今,已发表、被引用Nature 子刊 3篇,Science 子刊 1 篇,PNAS 1 篇,各种临床研究50余篇等。 祝贺此临床研究团队!期待Apostle 艾铂图技术更好地为人类做贡献。     ....阅读原文


[Science Translational Medicine] Simultaneous analysis of mutations and methylations in circulating cell-free DNA for hepatocellular carcinoma detection

在 Apostle MiniMax 高效游离核酸分离技术的协助下,近期又一项独立的临床研究证实循环游离DNA在肝细胞肝癌检测中的临床价值,展现出高敏感度、特异度。此项研究发表在 Science Translational Medicine. 在此项工作中,"cfDNA was extracted from the plasma samples using the Apostle MiniMax cfDNA isolation kit (C43468, Apostle)"。祝贺此临床研究团队!     ....阅读原文

August 18, 2022

[Nature Medicine] Individualized, heterologous chimpanzee adenovirus and self-amplifying mRNA neoantigen vaccine for advanced metastatic solid tumors: phase 1 trial interim results

Apostle MiniMax Technology contributed to a new independent clinical study, just published in Nature Medicine by a joint clinical team from Gritstone, Columbia University Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, MSKCC, MD Anderson, etc, titled "Individualized, heterologous chimpanzee adenovirus and self-amplifying mRNA neoantigen vaccine for advanced metastatic solid tumors: phase 1 trial interim results". In this phase I clinical trial, "Exploratory biomarker analyses showed decreased circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in patients with prolonged OS... cfDNA was extracted from the entire plasma volume of a single draw using the Apostle MiniMax cfDNA Isolation kit (ApostleBio) ". Congratulations to this clinical research team! more

June 14, 2022

[Frontiers in Oncology] Clinical Study Supports the Use of Liquid Biopsy for Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Patients with Myeloid Neoplasms

Using Apostle MiniMax cfDNA Isolation Technology a recent clinical study in 2821 myeloid or lymphoid neoplasm patients shows that liquid biopsy using targeted NGS is reliable in detecting chromosomal structural abnormalities in myeloid neoplasms. The study supports the use of liquid biopsy for early diagnosis and monitoring of patients with myeloid neoplasms. more

April 11, 2022

[Nature Medicine] Safety and tolerability of AAV8 delivery of a broadly neutralizing antibody in adults living with HIV: a phase 1, dose-escalation trial

Apostle MiniMax Technology is cited by an independent clinical study, published in Nature Medicinestudying safety and tolerability of AAV8 delivery of a broadly neutralizing antibody.  In this study, plasma AAV8-VRC07 plasmid DNA was measured by extracting DNA from plasma, concentrating and then using a real-time PCR assay to measure a 103 base sequence spanning the junction of the IgG heavy chain sequence and F2A insert. DNA was extracted from serum using an Apostle MiniMax High Efficiency cfDNA Isolation Kit. Congratulations to this clinical research team! more

Jan 28, 2022

[SLAS Technology] Performance of Apostle Technology Independently Validated

A recent independent study conducted by scientists from Johns Hopkins University and University of Pittsburgh, published in a peer-reviewed journal SLAS Technology, showed that, "(Page 6, Figure 4) Most notably, the Apostle particles outperformed all others, achieving almost 2-fold higher recovery yields than the particles supplied in the X kit". more

Aug 30, 2021

Apostle Inc Apostle Diagnostics Laboratory Receives Accreditation from College of American Pathologists

The Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) has awarded accreditation to Apostle Inc Apostle Diagnostics Laboratory, San Jose, California based on results of a recent on-site inspection as part of the CAP's Accreditation Programs. more

Apr 12, 2021

Apostle RNA Extraction Method is Included in a US FDA EUA Authorized SARS-CoV-2 Molecular Diagnostic Test: Fulgent COVID-19 by RT-PCT Test

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce that the company’s Apostle RNA Extraction Method is included in the recent US FDA EUA authorization of a SARS-CoV-2 Molecular Diagnostic Test: Fulgent COVID-19 by RT-PCT Test, as reagent and system used with the FDA EUA authorized test. more

Feb 2, 2021

[PNAS] Apostle MiniMax Technology In Novel Liquid Biopsy Method for Detecting and Monitoring Colon Cancer, Published in PNAS

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce that the company’s Apostle MiniMax technology is used in the recent development of a novel liquid biopsy method for efficient detection and post-surgical monitoring of colon cancer, capable of quantitative analysis of plasma samples with as little as 0.05% tumor DNA, published in PNAS. more

Oct 1, 2020

Apostle Inc Releases an Application Note on the Apostle COVID-19 Viral RNA Extraction System

Apostle Inc is pleased to release an Application Note on the Apostle COVID-19 Viral RNA Extraction System, applied in the effective detection of SARS-CoV-2 in over 1 million clinical samples by our clients. Using Apostle system, limit of Detection (LoD) of the downstream detection system of our customer is documented at 3.6 NDU/uL published on the FDA website. The sensitivity and specificity is 99.9% and 99.9% at 3 copies/uL, respectively, published on our customer’s website. more

Sept 7, 2020

Apostle Inc’s MiniEnrich Technology is Published at Royal Society of Chemistry’s Analyst

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce that the company’s original technology, termed the Apostle MiniEnrich Technology, is published at Royal Society of Chemistry’s Analyst on Sept 7, 2020, vol 145, issue 17, pp 5733-5739, and is selected as the inside front cover story. more

Sept 3, 2020

Apostle Inc Appoints Charles (Buck) Strom to Board of Advisors

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Charles (Buck) Strom, MD, PhD, FAAP, FACMG, HCLD, as a new member to its Board of Advisors. more

Feb 13, 2020

Apostle Inc to Present at the 5th Annual Liquid Biopsy Summit

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce that the company is going to present at the 5th Liquid Biopsy Summit, to take place in Seattle, WA on June 15-17, 2020. David Ge, CEO of Apostle, will discuss Apostle MiniEnrich, a novel method for enrichment of short DNA fragments for NIPT and oncology applications. more

Jan 27, 2020

Apostle Inc Appoints Antonius ‘Toni’ Schuh to Board of Advisors

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Antonius ‘Toni’ Schuh, PhD - a successful serial entrepreneur and founder in the life sciences industries as CEOs of 5 companies with 3 IPOs - as a new member to its Board of Advisors. more

Jan 23, 2020

Apostle Inc Presents at the PMWC 2020

Apostle Inc presents at the Precision Medicine World Conference 2020 held in Santa Clara, California. more

Jan 15, 2020

Apostle Inc Appoints Eric D. Masingale as VP of Business Operations

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Eric D. Masingale as its Vice President of Business Operations. more

May 24, 2019

Apostle Inc Completes Series A Financing Led by ShangBay Capital

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the completion of its series A financing. more

Apr 16, 2019

Apostle Inc Obtains ISO13485:2016 & ISO9001:2015 Certification

Apostle Inc is pleased to receive the Certificates of Conformance to certify its Quality Management System. more

Feb 28, 2019

Apostle Inc. Enters Partnership with Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce an exclusive partnership with Beckman Coulter, a world leader in Life Sciences, for Apostle MiniMax(TM) High Efficiency Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit. more

Sept 28, 2018

Apostle's China Manufacturing Facility Obtains ISO9001:2015 Certification

Apostle's manufacturing facility located in Shenzhen, China obtains ISO9001:2015 certification. more

Apr 3, 2018

Apostle is Elected into the Stanford University StartX Accelerator Program (Summer 2018 session)

Apostle is elected into the StartX Accelerator Program (Summer 2018 session), one of the most pretigeous accelerator programs in the Silicon Valley. more

Feb 12, 2018

Apostle Inc Appoints Alexander Hartemink, PhD at Duke University to Scientific Advisory Board

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Alexander J. Hartemink, PhD as a new member to its Scientific Advisory Board. more

Jan 31, 2018

Apostle Inc Appoints David B. Goldstein, PhD at Columbia University to Scientific Advisory Board

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of David B. Goldstein, PhD as a new member to its Scientific Advisory Board. more

Sept 1, 2017

Apostle Inc Appoints Director of Oncology Research at Stanford University to Scientific Advisory Board

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Dean W. Felsher, MD, PhD as a new member to its Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Felsher is Professor of Medicine in Departments of Oncology and Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is Director of Stanford Translational Research and Applied Medicine (TRAM) as well as Director of Oncology Research, Division of Oncology at Stanford. more

Jun 16, 2017

Apostle Announces New Board Member And Advisors

Apostle Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of William Dai, MBA as a new member to its Board of Directors, and Charles Cantor, PhD and Hongyu Zhao, PhD as new members to its Advisory Board. more

Mar 28, 2017

Apostle Inc is Founded

Apostle Inc, a biotechnology company focusing on liquid biopsy, is founded in the Silicon Valley. more